Saturday, November 19, 2011

What flowers open at 3:00?

"Carl Linnaeus, the eighteenth-century botanist, even invented a floral clock. Noting that petals open and close at the same time each day (because they're synchronized to how much light they receive), he arranged flowers in sequence, using the movement of petals to tell time." --Diane Ackerman.

Does anyone know of any books that can tell me what time of day certain flowers open and/or close?

Does anyone know of any flowers that open at 3:00 in the afternoon? This need not be exactly to the minute!

Thanks in advance.

What flowers open at 3:00?
Linnaeus did actually work out a clock based upon flowers to tell time, he used flowers with fixed opening times that are independent of the weather. He called these aequinoctales rather than meteorici because they respond meteorological conditions.

"Horologium florae"

The scarlet pimpernel opens its flower at 8:00 AM and closes it at 2:00 PM.

The dandelion opens at 9:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM. The morning glory opens at 10:00 and closes at dusk.

The water lily opens at noon and closes at 2:00 PM.

Hawkbit, a dandelion look-a-like, closes at 3PM

Goatsbeard opens at noon and closes at 6:00 pm.

California poppy opens at 1:00 PM and closes at dusk. Chicory opens at 2:00 PM and closes at 5:00 PM with white waterlilies.

Four-o'clock opens at 4:00 PM

Evening primrose %26amp; moonflowers opens at 6:00 PM.

Plant list
Reply:Four O' Clocks open in late afternoon and remain open during the evening.

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