Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to show her she's special to me?

I have a very dear friend who lives overseas, so it's difficult to show her what she means to me.

I've actually had notions of her as a girlfriend in the past... and although she is very fond of me, she's made it clear that the 'boyfriend/girlfriend' thing isn't ever going to happen.

Up to date, I've written letters to her, sent her greeting cards, have arranged flowers for birthdays and for no reason at all and have made many long-distance phone calls, all of which have been well-received but I'm looking for some ideas of other things that I can do to *show* her that she is special to me (even 'just' as a dear, close friend) - it's the old 'actions speak louder than words' thing - but my imagination has deserted me(!)

One of the difficulties is that she is not very romantic and is not sentimental at all, which is completely opposite to me, so things that I would consider 'meaningful' have almost no significance to her.

I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have.

How to show her she's special to me?
Well, since she has expressed there won't be a girlfriend/boyfriend thing ever happening I would just continue as you are. She obviously considers you a dear friend since you chat to each other etc - going overboard with the gifts etc may scare her off you.
Reply:fly to visit her

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