Monday, May 11, 2009

What do the letters K,C,A,G represent is identifying the plant by it flowers?

i know it has to do with how the flower is arranged but i don't know what thy represent or how it is used. ie K2-4 and so on. sometimes even with the infinite sign or something.

What do the letters K,C,A,G represent is identifying the plant by it flowers?
K = calyx, the sepals; also symbolized Ca

C = corolla, the petals; also symbolized Co

A = androecium, the stamens; also symbolized S

G = gynoecium, the pistil(s)

These are shorthand symbols used to write a floral formula, which tells you about the construction of the flower. For instance, a tulip flower has the floral formula

Ca 3 Co 3 S 6 G 3 (with a circle around the 3 of the G to symbolize three united carpels)

The infinity symbol is used for "many", which is defined as "more than 10" -- so poppy stamens are symbolized as

S infinity, for instance.

If you poke around on the web using the search term "floral formula" you'll find some examples written properly, as I cannot write them here.

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