Monday, May 11, 2009

DO you have any flowers growing in your yard?

I LOVE flowers. I hate working outside, but I love to look at them out my patio window and I love to arrange fresh-cut flowers. Tell me about YOUR flowers.

DO you have any flowers growing in your yard?
117 different kinds all over my yard, both back and front. I too hate working in the garden so I have flowers that grow every year, never need weeding... I love it! I always have fresh flowers in the house, from spring to fall. The trick is to put in flowers that have different growing times.

I have:





black eyed susans



wild flowers

azalea tree


and tons of others...
Reply:Asian Lillies, Roses and Rose of Sharon, very pretty and colorful.
Reply:I have pentas and vinca blooming like crazy in my front yard. My backyard has hybiscus, canna, butterfly bush, lantana, plumeria and angel trumpets blooming.
Reply:I was only going to do veggies and herbs this year to really master them, but I got seduced by the beauty and snuck in some flowers with no knowledge of what to do for them...

sunflowers--grew two seeds from the bird feeding black oil seeds in a tall rectangular plastic cat litter container that i spray painted royal blue. they grew, flowered and made early seed, but in the end needed more space and keeled over. left them on the ground and the chipmunks greedily and aggressively harvested the immature seed. guess i would call this a success.

cosmos--from seed. started the short kind and the tall kind in short and tall painted cat litter boxes, again. short kind is fine, but tall kind keeled over again, but pretty flowers...

sweet williams--bought these from nursery, both the mini mini kind and the 10 inch kind. these are the best flowers ever. they withstand any kind of tough condition--heat, drought (from forgetting to water), heavy deer foraging, and they just keep coming and coming... I'm having these every year... and i'm growing from seed next year.

nasturtiums--from seed %26amp; purchased. right now heat and aphids are killing them. but they were glorious, easy and even edible, if you like cress and such. I loved eating the leaves in salads and sands, but while many rave about eating the flowers, I'ld rather look at them. they should revive themselves come fall so i'm letting them be...

short hybrid nicotiana--could not resist these pretties at the garden center. who could? and like the sweet william they are strong--they too have withstood supercrowding, heat, drought of a forgettful gardener and heaving deer foraging and wow at certain times were like a heavy ball of flowers. Unlike their bigger natural cousins, the scent is not as strong, BUT twice I have seem a hummingbird hovering around them...

sweet peas--startedf from seed in cups. came up so strong. had so much to do that they stayed in cups until they were 2 feet, lol. transplanted a few really late, way after their season and got 1 flower, lmao... still, that one flower is the prettiest flower ever (curled like a pea flower, but larger, almost pearly and a rich deep red-purple), so will try again next year. think if i had transplanted in time, would have been no problem. they were strong and vigorous.

I'm now more excited for flowers than veggies... and am going to seed some seeds this fall and let them weather over the winter and bloom next early spring (I hope!)--poppies and sweet peas... when i think of how well they did with my ignorance, neglect and abuse... i'm really excited to think how pretty they might be next year when! i do everything right!
Reply:i love the spring bulbs such at crocus, tulpis, daffs, hycians, and iris are simply the best. they take so little care and will bloom any where from march till aug. after they bloom you can mow or weed eat them down (or cut them the right way) and all of these come back year after year. iris need very little dirt, love sun, little water, and you can just set them out and they will root themselfs all the above can be planted in or out of flower beds, i have them all planted around trees and rocks and lining the fence. if you want a great tree go for a paulowania emperess tree (chinesee dragon) fast growing (6-10 foot a year) blooms early spring and has leaves as large as dinner plates!!
Reply:i don't have any yard...but if i do i would love to have lots of sun flowers
Reply:I have hundreds and hundreds but to lazy to type them and cannot spell half them.

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